How we do it
The key to the growth and longevity of any business is continual innovation.
At EOS, our organisational culture encourages and promotes the questioning of the status quo. What do we do? Why do we do it? Why do we do it this way? Is there a better way? What problems are there that need solving? How could we solve them, better? This culture, combined with our extensive resources to implement new strategies, leads to our uniquely innovative approach to business.

A professional approach based on expert knowledge.
EOS employs qualified professionals with prior knowledge of at least one aspect of the electrical oils business before joining the EOS sales force. The range of knowledge required for this role includes that of electrical oils functions and applications, oil-filled plant and equipment, maintenance, handling and processing techniques, end user activities and business needs, and sample analysis and interpretation of results. More important than this however, is the knowledge and understanding of our customers’ problems and how to solve them

Building trust with the people we work with, through our honest, ethical and transparent approach.
As specialists solely in the field of electrical oils and associated services, and by servicing customers throughout the UK and beyond, EOS has a wealth of accumulated knowledge and experience. This is enhanced whenever we solve a new problem or develop a new approach to an old one. This cumulative knowledge and experience is available to our customers so they do not need to ‘reinvent the wheel’. EOS can offer guidance or training on a wide range of electrical oils issues, from storage to disposal, and from testing to treatment.

It’s our extensive experience in the (in-situ) treatment, storage and supply of insulating oil that gives our customers peace of mind when it comes to the quality and standard of our services.
Not only do we supply unused and regenerated insulating oil, but we also provide a range of robust complimentary products.
Our people are passionate about what they do, giving honest, pure, expert advice on a subject they know inside and our.